Finding the time to write is the situation I am in right now.  I’m finding myself writing a post on a Sunday, which I told myself, when I started this blog, I was not going to do.  I hadn’t posted for two days, which was making me feel guilty, but time flies when you stay busy. It’s not that I don’t have material I can write on, God does know that is not true. The fall weather, with somewhat cooler temperatures, here in south Texas pulled me outside to take care of gardening in my flowerbeds. Plus, in a month we won’t have daylight savings time anymore. So, in the words of my dear father “you gotta make hay while the sun shines”.  He was third generation dairy farmer/rancher and knew that to be true!  Well, I did my weeding, trimming and prepared the beds for my German Poppy seed to be spread out mid month. I cut back plants like the Mexican Heather, Day Lillie’s and Star Jasmine, and pruned the Bridal Wreath and Rose bushes. As with anything you want to look good it takes time and some sore muscles too.

I’m also spending a lot of time in my art studio cottage trying to build up inventory of my sea shell ornaments (angels, pumpkins and Santa’s), my cross art designs and paintings for the Art Show & Sale the first weekend in November. Thankfully this does not give me sore muscles, but it does take a lot of creative energy and time.

Then their is maintaining the household. Whether it’s housekeeping, laundry, cooking/baking, shopping for groceries, running errands it just takes time. Oh, and my seasonal decorating too.  I’m not as much of a perfectionist as I once was, but I do like our home to look well kept, comfortable and welcoming.

One last thought concerning time, that is so important, is relationships, with our spouses, family or friends, whether spending time with them, calling them, emailing, mailing a card or package just to brighten and encourage them in their day is so very important.  I remember someone telling me that “to have a friend, you have to be a friend”.  If that person is important to you in your life you must invest your time and communicate with them. It’s like our relationship with Our Lord and Savior.  We have to invest our time with Him. HE is ALWAYS there for us! SO, if I miss a post from time to time, please give me a little grace. Until next time…God Bless You!