I have repurposed trophies and awards my sons received in Junior High & High School. My sons are now in their 30’s. I asked them to go through a lot of their school memorabilia when they came home for a visit. They did not see any usefulness in keeping these old trophies and awards. So, being the creative person that I am, I started thinking and researched for inspirations. I created some new purposes and memories for them, to make them useful. They LOVED them! YAY!

Below is a mix of some of the trophies & awards I had to work from:

I repurposed them into ornaments for their Christmas trees using the ribbon they were attached to. The lamp I made into a wine bottle cork.  The pinewood derby topper, I attached to a larger cork to use as a lid for a canning jar, that they can use to put candy, paperclips, loose change and various other items.

I used one of the tall column trophy rods to make a serving tray for cookies, cupcakes or appetizers. I found the plate at a thrift store and drilled the hole in it with my dremel tool to insert the rod through. Then I had a trophy shop make me the adhesive plate with “Dive In” on it, since it had the diver topper.  Jonathan thought it was super clever. Blessed MY Heart!

Now for the trophy cups. I repurposed them into Christmas tree trophies to use on their office desk or various places in their home. Again, I got a trophy shop to print the adhesive labels for the base. The small trees I purchased at Hobby Lobby. One of the trees I purchased decorated and the other I glued tiny beads on, that I had on hand. I cut some scrap pieces of Christmas fabric in circles to glue under the base of the tree. Then glued the underside of the fabric to the rim of the cup. Hot glue works well for this, but watch your fingers. The Christmas tree trophies were a hit! YAY!

I hope I have inspired you in repurposing some of your children’s trophies, before to toss them! They make unexpected birthday gifts and Christmas gifts too.

I have more repurposing ideas to come for cookbooks, bottle caps, LP’s & CD’s to name a few. I’m hoping my life settles so I can get back to doing a weekly post again. Until next time….God Bless You!