Puppy Chow has been a childhood favorite of my sons, who are now in their early thirties. Just five ingredients and super easy to make. It’s a great sweet & salty treat!


Puppy Chow (for People)

2 one pound packages of Almond Bark

5 cups Corn Pops Cereal

5 cups Rice Krispies

4 cups small Pretzels

2 cups dry roasted Peanuts

Melt Almond Bark in a double boiler. In a large mixing bowl mix together Corn Pops, Rice Krispies, pretzels and peanuts and prepare cookie sheets with wax or parchment paper. When Almond Bark is melted pour over cereal mixture, mix together well so it gets coated. Pour onto wax paper and spread out to allow to harden.


I used the Holiday Rice Krispies for color.



Pour over cereal mixture.


Coat really well.


Pour onto wax or parchment paper on cookie sheets. Here I am using a commercial size cookie sheet to be able to accommodate the whole recipe.IMG_6100ddd




I try to make this recipe when it’s a COLD day in the 30’s and put it on a glass table outside to harden. It takes about 15 mins. Otherwise, I’d use smaller cookie sheets to be able to put in the freezer to harden.


Once hardened just break apart and store in an airtight container.


This one is a favorite at our Christmas parties. It’s also a great gift. I fix up pretty bags of Puppy Chow for people who have blessed us with their services throughout the year; like the mailman, newspaper person, hairdresser, grocery clerks,…. . Our family and friends love receiving it too. I hope you enjoy this recipe. Until my next post…… God Bless You!