Mother-in-Law’s Tongue or Snake Plants are great houseplants. My mother and grandmother have had these plants for as long as I can remember and shared with me.  I had never seen them bloom, nor had my mother, until one of my plants bloomed.




Here are some photos I took of mine that have bloomed. I have five plants, two that are tall slender stems and three that are shorter and curvy. These plants are mildly toxic, but are one of the houseplants that help in purifying the air in your home.




Once the bloom stem appears, so tiny in the center of the plant, it grows fast. Within three days the bloom stem shoots up to approximately 18 inches tall.



When the white trumpet shaped blooms appear get ready for the sweet fragrance, that is similar to jasmine or honeysuckle. The blossoms closed at night and open during the day. It blooms a good week or more.



These plants are hard to kill and are able to live in low lighting conditions, with infrequent watering. However, if you do give it brighter lighting conditions (not direct sunlight) you will see the plant grow faster and have a deeper color. The soil should be barely moist, and this plant likes to be root bound, in fact, that’s when it usually blooms!




So, if your are someone that has a brown or black thumb, this is the plant for you!


I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little of what I know about the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Plant.  Until the next post. God Bless You!