This is the perfect time to make some Jalapeno Pepper Jelly for gift giving.  Our family doesn’t do the typical Christmas gift giving or exchange. However, when visiting family or friends, in their homes, it’s always fun to bring a homemade gift whether it is from the kitchen or craft room. This is not just a Christmas gift giving idea, you can use this anytime of the year.  I been sharing a lot of my crafts lately, so I thought today I’d share my Jalapeno Pepper Jelly recipe with you. This is really good served over cream cheese with crackers. Makes a very good and easy appetizer.



When you begin this process start by cleaning your canning jars, lids and produce well. Then find a comfortable stool or chair, put on some fun music, movie or cooking show and start chopping your bell peppers and jalapeno’s. When chopping your jalapenos I do not clean out all the seeds and membrane in the pepper, because I do like it hotter. You can adjust to your taste buds. I usually make two batches back to back, NO I do not double the recipe it just doesn’t set right. So, once all the chopping is finished and measured out in my two batches I get my sugar in the pot with the vinegar and bring to a boil. It will be transparent.


Once you add the Certo Liquid Pectin it begins to slightly thicken. Then you are ready for the canning jars. I fill my jars, tighten the lids and put on a tray I have lined with a thick bath towel.  Once all the jars are on the tray I cover them good with the towel to hold the heat and allow them to slowly cool a good 12 hours. You’ll find when you unwrap them all the lids have sealed perfectly.


Donna’s Jalapeno Pepper Jelly

3/4 cup jalapeno peppers

3/4 cup green or red bell peppers

1 cup vinegar

5 1/2 cups sugar

1 – 6 oz. box (2 – 3 oz. pkgs. inside) Certo Liquid Pectin

Chop first four ingredients by hand or if you wish the cuts to be finely chopped you can use a blender or food processor. Place in pan and bring to a boil, boiling for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool down 5 minutes. Return to heat and cook for 2 more minutes, continuing to stir. Add Liquid Pectin, cook and stir for 5 minutes until thicken slightly.  Pour into 4 ounce jelly jars. Top with lids. Keep in draft free area. Yield: 4 to 4 1/2 jars.  When I make my double batch I end up with 9  4-oz. jars.

Just an extra note ~ When I have all green jalapenos I usually purchase the red bell peppers to give the jelly a festive red and green color. You could use yellow or orange as well.

Now you can fix up lids with pretty fabric or a label. When gift giving I usually have a small baskets or gift bags on hand that I’ll fix up. Then add the crackers and cream cheese at the last minute.  You could add a small plate for the cream cheese and knife for serving as an extra gift.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and sharing it with others.  Until my next post….. God Bless You!