Growing up in rural Texas, with the help of those around me, God unveiled in me a passion for creativity and artistic ability; from that, I’ve blossomed into a wife, mother, grandmother, woman of God who has a passion for decorating, home making, cooking, and so much more. I take pride in providing my family and friends with a warm, welcoming home that reflects my talents as an artist.  I hope to share my ideas for ornaments, jewelry, decorations, paintings, floral designs, sewing projects, cross art and much more! Please take a moment, (or several) to enjoy Donna’s Decorative Designs, and allow my designs to bring beauty into your own home! God Bless!

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, woman of God who has a passion for decorating, home making, cooking and so much more. I take pride in providing my family and friends with a warm, welcoming home that reflects my talents as an artist. Please take a few moments to enjoy Donna's Decorative Designs. God Bless!