These Haystack Cookies are great this time of the year, to serve or give as a gift. I received this recipe from son, Jonathan’s, second grade teacher Jimi Sawyer (who is now in Heaven) in 1992. I was the room mother for his class at the time. Both of my sons loved this recipe and I’ve been making haystacks ever since. That’s 23 years, and so as my dad would say, it’s a keeper!


Haystack Cookies

2 – 11 ounce pkg Nestle Butterscotch Morsels OR Peanut Butter Morsels (FYI this year 2015 Nestle has made a Pumpkin Spice Morsel, which is GREAT!)

2 cups dry roasted peanuts

1 – 12 ounce bag of La Choy Chow Mein Noodles

Melt morsels according to pkg instructions. In a large bowl mix peanuts and noodles, then add melted morsels. Mix until well coated. Using a large cookie sheet covered with wax paper drop spoonfuls of mixture. They look like tiny haystacks! Allow to harden. Helpful Hint: I like to do this on a cool day and set them out on my glass table on our porch, OR you could put them in your freezer for a minute or two, OR if you have the AC going with a ceiling fan overhead that works too. They will harden up really quick! Yield: 30 to 40 depending how big or little you make them. I usually double this recipe with no problems. Makes at least 75.






IMG_5486I do hope you enjoy making, eating and sharing these with your family and friends. Happy Fall/Thanksgiving to you and all those you love! Until my next post….. God Bless You!
