My mother, Ruby, got me started making this Eggnog Ice Cream. She used to make it for my dad. He dearly loved it! My family loves it too, especially when I add MY secret ingredient to the mix. This recipe is super SIMPLE & EASY! Just two ingredients.


The first ingredient is your grocery store brand or name brand eggnog. This is already complete as is. Just pour into your freezer and freeze, BUT if you want to give it a tastier punch add my secret ingredient ~ Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog! You can find this at your local liquor store this time of the year. My husband dearly loves this flavor of eggnog ice cream!






Just pour 3 parts eggnog to 1 part of the cold PA Dutch, anymore liquor will keep the ice cream from freezing so don’t get a heavy hand unless you want a milkshake instead of ice cream. Ha Ha! Usually takes about 20 minutes.   

Then just scoop yourself up a bowl and enjoy! Store in an airtight container in the freezer. Beware it is not waistline friendly! Thank goodness they only sell the eggnog November, December and early January.


I hope you, your family and friends will enjoy this tasty recipe for the winter Holidays!

Please note the next couple of days I’ll be busy at the Art Show. I hope to post by Monday. Until my next post….. God Bless You!