As I mentioned in two previous posts “Seasonal Decorations” & “German Poppies ~ Blooms to Seed” here are the instructions on how to make your own unique Poppy Pod & Acorn Ornaments.



What you will need: 

  • Various sizes of Styrofoam balls
  • All-purpose craft glue (Aleene’s Tacky Glue)
  • Brown Acrylic Paint
  • Sponge 
  • Styrofoam egg carton

3 Acorn Ballsddd

You can paint the Styrofoam balls or not. I’ve learned that by painting the them with acrylic paint you can use the hot glue to attach acorn caps. I don’t advise using the hot glue with the poppy pods, because the glue string will get caught around the flower shaped tops and you’ll have a big mess! With the time you will be putting into these unique ornaments better to do it with care and not haste! You’ll be pleased with the outcome I promise.



Using a sponge helps get the paint in the tiny holes of the Styrofoam. Let dry. I have a tiny fan I use to dry things quickly.


It’s easy to push the stems in the Styrofoam.  I use the egg cartons to help hold the ornaments to dry and keep them from rolling around. You could even use one of the egg slot for your glue. 


I mix all sizes together. The tiny ones are good to use in between pods where their is a small gap to fill in. 



Well, now come October here in south Texas I’ll be spreading my poppy seed to replenish my supply of poppy pods next spring and collecting acorns.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this project. God Bless!