I started canning Donna’s Devil’s some 20 plus years ago. I had to grow my own jalapenos, while living in North Carolina.  They did not have fresh jalapenos in the grocery stores or farmers market in the late 1980’s and 90’s. It wasn’t until immigrants from Mexico started working in NC that the stores started handling some of the spicier items I enjoyed in Texas. I lived in NC 1987 to 2001 and then moved back to Texas. I do love the Tex-Mex style of cooking and will share some of my favorite recipes in the future. Of course, those recipes need to be served with or include Donna’s Devil’s ~ Jalapeno Nacho Slices.


Donna’s Devil’s ~ Jalapeno Nacho Slices

Start by cleaning your canning jars, lids and jalapenos. These are my home grown jalapenos. I like to leave them on the plant longer to get them to turn a bright red. It gives a pretty color contrast when canning them this way. Next, get out a large cutting board, bowls and a sharp knife. Put on your favorite music or a movie and start slicing. I do not remove the seeds or membrane of the jalapenos. I want it HOT! Sometimes I add sliced carrots to the bowl and mix together. The sweet carrots do absorb the heat of the jalapenos. They are so good on salads!

Once you finished slicing, start packing your jars, pressing down to get a tight fit. You can see how I have mine.


Now it’s time to prepare the brine to pour over the jalapenos:

1 cup distilled vinegar 9% acidity

2 cups of water

1 tablespoon canning salt. 

Bring this to a boil. Pour over jalapenos in jars. Seal with lids. Place jars on a cookie sheet that has a heavy bath towel on it to cover jars till cooled. I usually let them sit at least 12 hours. They should be sealed perfectly, but if by chance you have one that doesn’t seal just put in the refrigerator and enjoy! Yield: makes a good quart of brine. You’ll need to double or triple this for however many jars you are canning. Then label, date and store.  These make good gifts too, for those who like a little heat for their taste buds.

Helpful Hint from my Sister Connie:  If you put your lids and rings in boiling water prior to tightening them on the jars you can be sure they will seal.

I hope you enjoy this favorite recipe of mine. Until next time…. God Bless You!