I’ve been asked how I came up with my logo, so here are the thoughts and work that went into it. First, my dad would refer to me as his DDD. His meaning meant “Darling Daughter Donna”. I decided to use the three D’s to create a logo for myself, a sort of an homage remembering my dad, who encouraged and supported me in my artistic endeavors.  Second, being encouraged to start a website and small business inspired by my husband and family.


My two sons and daughter to be helped me in coming up with what the D’s would stand for.






Then I purchased a 14″ x 18″ canvas, three wooden D’s that fit my style and frame at Hobby Lobby.



I use my acrylic paint to create a dark to light, in black & white, to help the D’s stand out.



Then I spray paint the D’s in a metallic silver paint, and allow to dry.


Now comes the fun part, placing all the mirrored rhinestone looking beads, finding just the right shape to fit in place, kinda like putting a puzzle together. After finishing the one D I decided to leave it with just the one sparking D. Remembering what I had read  “keep it simple”. I also sought a second opinion, my daughter also agreed. It helps to have a second set of creative eyes.

I then arranged the D’s on the canvas and glued tight. I added a single pink silk rose bud that I had on hand, because the first roses I received from my husband, when we were dating eleven years ago, were pink and also I love roses!



Then I just added a simple black frame. Finished!

You can see their was a lot of thought and meaning that went into this creation, besides the labor. That’s what makes it so special!





Thank you for your interest. I have lots of creativity in me, and I look forward to sharing more of it with you. Until then God Bless!