I’m sorry for the lapse in my post. I am so busy decorating! This will go on for three weeks or more for me, not just our home, my husbands business, and friends homes. I have family coming in on the 22nd and the 25th, so much more encouragement in getting it done before they arrive. It will be Thanksgiving & Christmas when they are here. My grandsons, Noah now 6 1/2 and Jonah 4 1/2 named our home “Nana’s Christmas House”, because they loved all the lights and the traditional Christmas decor, photos, games, puzzles, books,…etc. I love this time of precious gifts from God despite how our earthly life has turned things. Family traditions are a BIG part of my life and I miss them SO much! The meals, decorations and games, ..”Dollar Dollar They Must Wonder From The One Hand To The Other”. This is a German family game in my family, along with a domino game called “Chicken Foot”. My grandmother, Clara Moehle Kobs taught it to me and her Great-grandsons how to play the game. We had so much fun playing this together, laughing, visiting/fellowshipping and just being together. That’s as it should be! Most young/middle age people today would love to think this strange, because they were not brought up or taught this way. It’s the simple things in life….spending time together, working together, playing/fellowshipping together. Today most cannot be separated from there cell phone for a minute! When I’m working and having fun decorating I do not have time for my cell phone, email or my website posts. I’m focused on what I’m doing and doing it as quick as I can with careful tweaking! Praising God for his gifts, talents and blessings BIG time! Please be patient with me . I’m wanting to post daily, but do not find enough time in the day to write. SO until my next post….God Bless You!