Butter Bean & Ham Soup is a family favorite. It is especially good in the winter months with some warm buttered cornbread. Since it’s been a little chilly here in southeast Texas I thought I’d make up a batch and share the recipe with you. 


I use the traditional method of soaking my beans, which is overnight. Put soaked and rinsed beans in a four quart pot with six cups of HOT water. Cold water causes beans to split. Simmer beans gently with lid tilted until tender, which is approximately 1 1/2 – 2 hours.


We had a ham during the holidays. I saved my ham bone and extra meat in the freezer for this recipe. I got it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator, when I started to soak my beans. In the morning, I got the ham out to finish thawing when I started cooking my beans.


While the beans are cooking I chopped up one medium sweet onion, minced three cloves of garlic and sauteed them in butter till translucent. When the beans are tender, I add my ham, ham bone, onions, garlic, salt and white pepper to taste. I restrain myself with the salt initially because the ham already has salt in it. Just be aware of this. 


Mix everything in and simmer 30 – 40 minutes to blend the seasonings. You need to taste during this simmering time to see if you have enough salt and pepper. At this time you could whip up your favorite cornbread recipe. I’ll share my Tex-Mex Cornbread recipe another time. 


I hope I’ve inspired you to try this recipe with your family. A warm meal, warm family fellowship and spending time together. It doesn’t get any better. Until my next post …. God Bless You!