Bless, Inspire & Glorify

Category Gift Ideas

Pumpkin Cake/Bread

Everyone who has ever had my Pumpkin Cake/Bread LOVES IT! Until now I have not shared my recipe other than with my sons and mother. Well, today I’ve decided to share my sons favorite childhood Pumpkin Cake/Bread recipe. This is… Continue Reading →

Donna’s Devil’s ~ Jalapeno Nacho Slices

I started canning Donna’s Devil’s some 20 plus years ago. I had to grow my own jalapenos, while living in North Carolina.  They did not have fresh jalapenos in the grocery stores or farmers market in the late 1980’s and… Continue Reading →

Jalapeno Pepper Jelly

This is the perfect time to make some Jalapeno Pepper Jelly for gift giving.  Our family doesn’t do the typical Christmas gift giving or exchange. However, when visiting family or friends, in their homes, it’s always fun to bring a… Continue Reading →

Cross Art Designs

I been working hard on various Cross Art Designs for the upcoming November Art Show &  Silent Auction, some I’ve shared with you already, here are more designs I’ve completed! I’m working daily to build up my supply.   I… Continue Reading →

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