Bless, Inspire & Glorify

Category Donna’s Delicious Delights

A variety of my favorite recipes.

January 2016 ~ A Busy Month!

January has certainly been a very busy month for me and my hubby. Just in case you wondered what happened to me the month of January I’m going to fill you in today with this post. Here’s a photo of… Continue Reading →

Butter Bean & Ham Soup

Butter Bean & Ham Soup is a family favorite. It is especially good in the winter months with some warm buttered cornbread. Since it’s been a little chilly here in southeast Texas I thought I’d make up a batch and… Continue Reading →

Puppy Chow (for People)

Puppy Chow has been a childhood favorite of my sons, who are now in their early thirties. Just five ingredients and super easy to make. It’s a great sweet & salty treat! Puppy Chow (for People) 2 one pound packages… Continue Reading →

Eggnog Ice Cream

My mother, Ruby, got me started making this Eggnog Ice Cream. She used to make it for my dad. He dearly loved it! My family loves it too, especially when I add MY secret ingredient to the mix. This recipe… Continue Reading →

Mom’s Apple Pie

I received this apple pie recipe from my mother some thirty years ago. I have made some adjustments to it over the years, and it has become a family tradition to have on the Fourth-of-July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. My son,… Continue Reading →

My Style of Party Mix

Love the party mix recipes you find on the Crispex and Chex cereal boxes. Over the years I’ve adjusted to my families taste. My son, Joseph, will walk off with the whole batch if I don’t keep a watchful eye… Continue Reading →

Haystack Cookies

These Haystack Cookies are great this time of the year, to serve or give as a gift. I received this recipe from son, Jonathan’s, second grade teacher Jimi Sawyer (who is now in Heaven) in 1992. I was the room… Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Cake/Bread

Everyone who has ever had my Pumpkin Cake/Bread LOVES IT! Until now I have not shared my recipe other than with my sons and mother. Well, today I’ve decided to share my sons favorite childhood Pumpkin Cake/Bread recipe. This is… Continue Reading →

Donna’s Devil’s ~ Jalapeno Nacho Slices

I started canning Donna’s Devil’s some 20 plus years ago. I had to grow my own jalapenos, while living in North Carolina.  They did not have fresh jalapenos in the grocery stores or farmers market in the late 1980’s and… Continue Reading →

Jalapeno Pepper Jelly

This is the perfect time to make some Jalapeno Pepper Jelly for gift giving.  Our family doesn’t do the typical Christmas gift giving or exchange. However, when visiting family or friends, in their homes, it’s always fun to bring a… Continue Reading →

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