Bless, Inspire & Glorify


I am a widower, mother, Nana; volunteer; organizer; floral arranging; cook/baker; seasonal decorator; animal & nature lover; gardener; an artist/crafter & repurpose items creatively. God has blessed with many creative interests and talents. I am BLESSED by God to INSPIRE others and GLORIFY Him.

Aloe Vera Plant in Bloom

My Aloe Vera started blooming recently. I’ve never seen this particular variety bloom before. I thought I’d share with you some of my photos and give you information of what I know about Aloe Vera plants.   The bloom on… Continue Reading →

Easter Decorations

Easter is just a week away and felt I needed to get this blog posted on Easter Decorations. This time of the year brings to mind many precious memories of my childhood, my two sons childhood and now my grandsons…. Continue Reading →

Annual Used Book Sale

The Brenham Fortnightly Club is having its 10th Annual Used Book Sale this week. The sale is always held the last week of February, Wednesday through Saturday. There are various ways books are received throughout the year at the Fortnightly… Continue Reading →

Valentine ❤️ Decorations

Well, with Valentine’s Day just a few days away I thought I’d better get this post on Valentine Decorations posted. Decorating for the different seasons is something I learned from my mother. She also made special cookies, pies, candies and… Continue Reading →

January 2016 ~ A Busy Month!

January has certainly been a very busy month for me and my hubby. Just in case you wondered what happened to me the month of January I’m going to fill you in today with this post. Here’s a photo of… Continue Reading →

Butter Bean & Ham Soup

Butter Bean & Ham Soup is a family favorite. It is especially good in the winter months with some warm buttered cornbread. Since it’s been a little chilly here in southeast Texas I thought I’d make up a batch and… Continue Reading →

Packing up Decorations

I thought I’d share my helpful hints for packing up decorations. This applies to all seasonal decorations. I am sorry for the late post. I’ve been busy with LOTS of family and a step-grandson getting married. Here you go with… Continue Reading →

Christmas in California

My husband and I have spent Christmas in California with my step-daughter and her family this year. Amy is a beautiful, smart and talented wife and mother. She can do just about anything, at least I think she can. She… Continue Reading →

Puppy Chow (for People)

Puppy Chow has been a childhood favorite of my sons, who are now in their early thirties. Just five ingredients and super easy to make. It’s a great sweet & salty treat! Puppy Chow (for People) 2 one pound packages… Continue Reading →

Den & Foyer Christmas Decorations

This is our den and foyer Christmas decorations I completed in November, but just now being able to have time to post. I hope you will find some of my decorations helpful next year as you prepare to decorate. Our… Continue Reading →

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